Friday, June 3, 2011

Shhh.... It's a Secret

So, once again it takes forever for me to FIND the time to blog...well, here I is, :) and today it is all about my little secret. I'm not supposed to tell because it's so early in the game, but I've been bursting all day...well, for about 5hrs now.


I'm pregnant. I feel like I just thought that too loud.

So here's the story. Ty and I have been doing a lot of talking about getting pregnant, and completing our little family.  We weren't nescessarily trying to concieve but we weren't taking percautions either.  Literally, our conversation was that after this round/month on birthcontrol, I'd stop...and whatever happens - happens. No, that is NOT how you plan a family; and No, that was NOT well thought out. I'm aware of that, but it is what it is.  Anyway, here I am, not even a full month after not using my bc - el prego. (Ty and I had sex maybe 4months before I started bc and nothing ever happened.)

Or at least I hope so. The plus sign was pretty faint, but plus is a plus right? Is that crazy? I mean, the ONLY thing I am disappointed about is that I really really really wanted to be married and have the wedding first. I'm just old fashion like that, and I don't want it to seem like we are only getting married because we got pregnant. But again, I guess that goes back to the conversation Ty and I had...probably should have considered that before deciding to 86 the bc.  Truth be told, even in the concequenses of my stupidity, I am happy. I am so HAPPY.  And that IS  how it's supposed to be when you get pregnant.

Now the thing that scares me is how I'm going to tell my family... yeah, my mom will be disappointed that we aren't married; and then my older sister, Jess, she might be hurt. All Jess wants is to settle down and have a family, but for some reason she cannot seem to find a decent guy to do that with. I feel bad. Not like an "aww you poor thing" but I just feel like my life is shoving in her face what she doesn't have. She doesn't want my life, just the generalization, she wants a good man that loves her, wants to be with her, marry her. And everyone knows she wants more than anything to have a baby. I just feel bad.  So, I'm not really sure how to tell them. I'm confident my little sisters will be thrilled though, so that's good. We'll see I guess. I think the best part is that Ty is happy, and honestly - he's the one that really matters.

So that's it. That's my secret...keep it hush-hush for now. I've already scheduled my first doctors appointment 24 days from now. It's going to be so hard bitting my tongue for this long, but sheesh it'll be worth it. 110%

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! We're having a BABY!!!!!!!!        (is it too soon to buy little pink socks??)

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